Charles Hampshire -  Secretary.

Charles is an accountant by training but with a strong interest in local history and social history. Always lived in Middlesex and in Harefield since 2005. Also Treasurer of the Hillingdon Family History Society - see:-

Keith Piercy -  Chairman.


Proud Mancunian husband of previous chair Lorraine, now retired from the education world, Keith is a keen allotmenteer and walker who has produced two books on the local history of Harefield.

Helen Conchar -  Treasurer.

(Awaiting bio.)


Robert Goodchild -  Programme Manager.

 Robert moved to Harefield in 1985. After attending a WEA course on the  History of Harefield joined the society in 1986. Have been a committee member on varies occasions since 1987. Pet project has been computerising the Harefield parish and Census records.

Nick Hardey

(Awaiting bio.)

Richard May

(Ex-officio member)

Richard is the Deputy Manager of the  Harefield Library. 

t.b.a. -  Auditor

(Awaiting details)


Andy Harris -  Web Master.

 Andy moved to Harefield in 1969 to take up a job in the computer industry from which he retired in 2001. Has been a life long collector of stamps, postal history and postcards. He discovered the society during his involvement with the Harefield Hospital Centenary exhibition and joined in 2015.